If I want to transition my family to more open-ended play and wooden toys, how do I get started?


Where can I find links to things in your playroom?


Where would you recommended I buy my toys from? I love supporting small shops, because when buy from them, you are supporting a family. That being said, not all small shops are created equal. I’ve had my share of both good and bad experience, so the shops I will recommend, are the ones that I have personally used and have had a good experience with.

Biddle & Bop

Oak & Ever

If you’re in Canada (these sites also ship to the USA):


My My and Me

*I do have a storefront on Amazon with links to wooden toys, however, I wouldn’t recommend this be the first place you purchase from. Often times, you will find knock offs or seconds (pieces with flaws) on sites like these and for the price of a lot of these toys, you want to make sure you’re getting the real thing. Also, the prices on Amazon tend to be a lot higher than what you’ll find at a small shop.

Where can I find your favorite play and playroom items on Amazon?

Right here.