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Gift Guides

Gift Guides

Easter Basket Ideas for Toddlers

More Easter Basket ideas coming to you, this time for Toddlers. This group might be one of my favorite to shop for, because they’re always so curious and everything is new to them. I also love the idea of using a Luggy in place of a basket, because it allows them to cart all their new stuff around.

Luggy // Play Dough // Swim Trunks // Shoes // Fawn // Stamps // Arch Blocks // Bowls // Crayons // Water Bottle // Waterbeads // Sensory Tools

Gift Guides

Stocking Stuffers for Kids

Stockings are my FAVORITE and let me just say right off the bat, that I tend to go overboard. Growing up, we could always count on certain things being in our stockings; and I love carrying on that tradition, plus adding a few unique things of our own.

To go easy on the budget, I try to include items that I would normally be purchasing anyways (toiletries, water bottles, socks, pajamas, treats, etc), craft supplies that get used up (markers, crayons, stickers), and then a small toy or two. Here are some of the things that you’ll find in the kids’ stockings this year!

one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight // eight // nine // ten // eleven // twelve

A lot of the toy items going in the kids’ stockings this year, are sensory bin related. My kids are obsessed, and sensory activities are a great way to occupy them, while I try and get a few chores done. If you’d like more ideas for these types of activities, check out my amazon list for Sensory Play here.

Hopefully this has given you a few good ideas to help with your shopping this year! XO

Gift Guides

Gift Guide for Kids

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! If you follow me over on Instagram, you know that I started Christmas shopping early this year, and I’m dying for Christmas morning to see the kids faces when they unwrap their presents (and before you get after me, yes I know that Christmas isn’t about presents, but they’re fun to give).

Today, I’m going to share some of the items that are on my kids wishlists, as well as some of their favorites. If you’re new to the world of open-ended/wooden toys, you might also want to check out the Getting Started with Open-Ended Toys post.  A few of these toys also make good family gifts, so if you are trying to limit the amount of toys in your home, they’re a great option.

one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight // nine // ten // eleven // twelve

Around here, we usually try and stick to the 4 gift rule.

  1. A Want
  2. A Need
  3. A Wear
  4. A Read

This year, we’re spoiling them a little and giving them 2 wants, instead of a need because I just finish selling 75% of their toys. Most of the toys will build upon the items we currently have for small world play (houses, trees, bridges, cars, etc), as well as items to build marble runs.

Hopefully, this has given you a few good ideas for Christmas shopping this year! I also plan on putting together a list of stocking stuffers, so be on the look out for that. Fair warning, I tend to go overboard with stockings. Anyone else?